Bringing individuals together to form a team doesn't always turn out to be the sunshine and flowers we'd hoped for.
Digital transformation is at the forefront of everyone's mind. It is not new, having been on the executive agenda for the last 10 years.
At the end of a project, digital or not, it’s good practice (and useful) to run a retrospective. Why do we have retros?
The topic of the conversation was surprise surprise Covid-19. In particular though, what I was interested in learning was how the global pandemic is forcing organisations to change and adapt.
Things which matter most must never be at the mercy of things which matter least.
Sitting in a room in 2018, as a student attending a Kanban system design course being run by the kanban queen Helen Meek, I had no idea that 5 years later I would be co-training the same course, alongside Helen.
Customer research and customer development share similar characteristics, while they both evangelise getting out of the building and speaking to real users, their purpose, outcomes and speed in practice are very different.